Pragmatism... not Idealism

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Life is just coming straight at me. I need to buy a car. I need a new insurance carrier. I just had a job evaluation. I'm getting buried in work.

It's still better than college though. Way less depressing than spending my day worrying and working on things that I didn't want to have anything to do with.

I want more money. I never thought of myself as a guy who's all about the money, you know? I get paid by the hour, which is odd. However it does mean that I get paid time and half for overtime. Every hour I work overtime adds to my disposable income, after the government gets through with it at least. It's just money in the bank, because my expenses are fixed.

Car shopping blows. I'd rather get in a fight with Chuck Norris and have my world destroyed. Chuck Norris is almost as cool as Fabio... Where's Celebrity Death Match when you need it?

New York sucks. They are the most over-regulated state in this country. They have the most convoluted rules to doing business there. Most states all use the same WC bureau. This makes since because many businesses operate in multiple states. Not NY, PA, NJ, and DE. The NY Workers' Comp Bureau has waay overstaffed. They try to get creative with their rules because what else are they going to do with their time? Something productive? Bah! I have a specific issue in mind but I don't feel like explaining it and no one who happens across this blog wants to read it.
|| Jonathan Roth 4:57 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2006

to follow up on the "interesting" day, my boss has been moved out of her position. I don't what this implies for me, if anything. I got a raise though. Whooo.

My morning jacket has a really interesting song called Gideon.

Gideon. What Have You Told Us At All?
Make A Sound, Come Down Off The Wall.
Religion - Should Appeal To The Hearts Of The Young.
Who Are You? What Have You Become?
You Animal. Come On.What Does This Remind You Of?

Truly We Have Become.
Hated And Feared For Something We Don't Want.
Listen. Listen. Most Of Us Believe That This Is Wrong.

I don't know Jim James' background, but i think this song is stongly rooted in his sunday school experiences as a child.

When I was a kid in Sunday school, the teacher would tell bible stories. They were pretty exciting, believe it or not. This one in particular. I'll get to that later.

SS teachers (somewhat fitting) would illustrate their stories using felt bible figures on a felt board. They'd stick to the board and could be moved around. --"Make a sound, come down off the wall"--

The story of Gideon is pretty sweet, especially to kids (Religion should appeal to the hearts of the young). It's about oppression, faith and just being balls out. In the story, Gideon questions God, destroys the neighborhoods altar to Baal pissing everyone off and leads an insurrection against an occupying force. -- "What does this remind you of" --

So Gideon gathers up volunteers. To demonstrate that the victory to come could only be attributed to God, God instructs Gideon to put the men through a series of tests. This reduced the force size from 32,000 to 300. With 300 men he went up against an army of 135,000. He equiped every man with a trumpet, a torch and a clay pitcher. they stuck the torches in the clay pitcher so they could sneak up on the enemy (this was around 3am). Gideon gave a signal and they all broke their clay pitchers (revealing the light), blew their trumpets and shouted "The sword of the Lord and of Gideon."

This is when all the sunday school kids shout "The sword of the lord...."

The Midianites look up, see a bunch of torches and hear trumpets blazing and people shouting, get scared and run away.
|| Jonathan Roth 11:47 PM