Pragmatism... not Idealism

Monday, January 30, 2006

Today was interesting. I'm reticent to say how interesting it was because I'm afraid someone from work would read it, and that would be bad. hmmm.

Nevermind then.
|| Jonathan Roth 10:25 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I saw end of the spear tonight. All in all it wasn't a bad movie, for being Christian themed. I could understand why most people would find it a horrible nausea-inducing experience, but given my background I enjoyed it.

So why does Christian media suck so hard?

My theory is that there is something about typical Christianity that sucks away creativity. There's so many boundaries set up in the belief system, and you're held accountable for every action and piece of work. There's no room for experimentation. You can't push boundaries because the ultimate concern is the message, not the aesthetic. The aesthetic is in the long term meaningless.
|| Jonathan Roth 10:58 PM
I'm in New Jersey living one boring ass life for the most part. It's really not that boring, but it's not the kind of thing you like to tell people about. "Today I had to issue five policies before the end of this month's booking. the pressure, blah blah." It's important to me and not to everyone else. But who comes to blogs for the mundane details of life? The only reason I ever read other people's blogs is if they told interesting stories or were funny. Maybe that's the form this one should take.

So I saw part of a McGee and Me movie today. That stuff was like crack for me and thousands of other kids growing up. It was addictive and you couldn't ever get enough. It was funny though. McGee gets enticed into going into this big tower of babel type thing that just spits him out after kicking his ass. That's the world, children. They want to destroy you. They want to destroy you. They, they they. It's brain washing through and through. And it's constant.

I remember a time when my mother and I were having a discussion. I was 3 or 4. She was explaining Heaven and Hell to me. "if you get saved, you'll go to heaven. if not, you'll go to hell."

My reply? "if i have to do something to get to heaven, i'd rather go to hell"

"No, because then you'll be burned forever in a lake of fire, and be seperated from God and your family for ever and ever."

my reply: "I want to go to heaven"

And that was that. Out of sheer fear I became a Christian.

Jesus said suffer the children. at the age of 4 (when i got saved) I'm fairly certain I wasn't capable of objective thought at that age. I guess that's why they have those statistics that if a person doesn't become a christian before the age of 13, there's practically no chance they'll come to the faith. you got to get them while their gullible
|| Jonathan Roth 2:14 AM
Ok, so I only posted once last year. Some of you my have figured this blog was dead. Maybe it is. We'll find out. I know the majority of humankind has no interest whatsoever in the mundane details of my job, so i'm going to have to leave that part out. Since that's what I spend the majority of my day doing, that doesn't leave much fodder for da' blog.

I think the new version of the blog is going to have a lot more spelling and grammar errors, since i don't want to spend too much time doing this. So deal with it.
|| Jonathan Roth 2:07 AM