Pragmatism... not Idealism

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It's been a while since i've said anything of a political nature on this blog.

Bush is losing the war against terrorism, big time

First you have Americans sodomizing Iraqi POW's with broomsticks and taking pictures of them when they're all piled on one another butt-naked, a story being played on Al-Jazera incessantly I'm sure. Then you have a video being played in France of US soldiers in a helicopter firing upon 3 people (one injured) who posed no apparent threat on anyone, but were "suspicious." Then you have sustained attacks against the holy cities of Najaf and Kerbala that are pissing off Muslims everywhere.

Do you think we're endearing ourselves to Arabs? Those pictures of US and British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners just confirmed every wrong thing Arabs think about us. What Bush doesn't seem to get is that this is a PR war. In order to prevent future terrorist attacks, we need take away their means of support (i.e. the arab people). That's the true war front and on that front I think we are clearly losing.

Here's the crucial question: how can we reduce the chance of a terrorist attack against the United States? Was it by invading Iraq? I doubt it. Is it by having a one-sided policy with regards to Israel? Definitely not.

Notice I didn't include the Brits alleged abuse. Check this out.
|| Jonathan Roth 4:49 PM
This is an interesting story
|| Jonathan Roth 4:26 PM

Saturday, May 01, 2004

|| Jonathan Roth 11:00 AM